Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just some Pictures

I haven't posted in a while so I decided to just give you some pictures!

Here is Estrella a year ago!


Monday, February 10, 2014

The new hideout

"What is that smell? FOOD!" -Honey
The hideout that everybody has been waiting for!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feed me

Today was a great day, they got a nice 2 veggie course with celery and carrot: two of their favorites. 
Honey believes you must run away with your food. The fastest I've ever seen Honey run was to get away with a large piece of pepper that she didn't feel like sharing with Rocky. Honey has taken a whole stalk of celery and tried to take it into a pigloo, unfortunately, it didn't fit too well.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Slow Motion Chewing

Today just felt like it went by in slow motion, didn't it? While Honey wasn't too upset by that because, hey, the food lasts longer if you eat it slowly! This was the highlight of their day.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Home Wheek Home

We like Piggy Pouches, they mean treats!
      Whee Piggies are home from our stay with the lovely Claire. She is our favorite piggy friend! While we were gone, the cavy slaves had an idea!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The voyage!

Today we embarked on a journey without our cavy slaves to stay with one of our best friends, Claire. Whee get to stay in the same enclosure and she is one of our best friends. Claire's cavy slave is a vet tech for dogs but fell in love with a guinea pig, but we will tell that story another time. Claire shares a room with a bunny who smell weird. Anyway, here is our travel carrier! 
So long, 
Your Piggy friends!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well I decided better late than never! We peegs are thankful for abundant grass, arugula and Tuscan kale. We had a bountiful feast earlier in the day, but the cavy slaves were very busy with guests. Unfortunately we didn't get very much attention but oh the joy, we got lots of food and then took naps all afternoon. Have a good veggie day or in your case turkey day. Happy Thanksgiving!
The peegs,
Rocky and Honey