Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Can we eat grass?

The answer is yes!

Grass is my favorite food because we rarely get to do it and when we do, no limit applies with the amount of grass that we can have. Just follow these simple guide lines:

  • Make sure no pesticides have been put on the grass recently
  • No dog or any other has peed on the grass
  • Nothing other than grass, clover, and dandelions are within reach of the guinea pigs
  • The guinea pigs are safe from feet that could step on them
  • The guinea pigs have some place to hide
  • Make sure it is no warmer than 78 F.
  • Make sure it is no colder than 65 F.
  • You are ALWAYS watching them in less they have a playpen that is covered (birds could get them)

Grass is food that all of my friends like and yours will too!

Gotta go,

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