Monday, October 21, 2013

Corn Season is Finally Here!

Corn Season is finally here! You should know that one of our very favorite foods for you to eat is corn. When you husk the corn, you can give as the inner leaves if they are clean and healthy. That is our favorite part of corn. But if you buy already husked corn, the story is a little bit different.

The parts guinea pigs can eat are:

The Husk:
The Husk, the outer green part you pull off corn, is delicious for us guinea pigs, but only the inner leaves (if they are clean)

The Silk:
The Silk is the little strands that are all over the corn. These can be eaten if they are caught on to something, but they are not our favorite.

The Corn:
The Corn is good if you like corn, but not so good if you don't. Not all guinea pigs think it tastes all that great. But many guide lines apply when supplying corn:

  • You have not eaten the corn right off the cob
  • You have cut the corn off the cob to eat it
  • Other Animals have not touched the corn
  • The corn is clean
  • The husk is not still on the corn
  • The husk has been removed
  • Guinea pigs can not have outer leaves of husk
  • Guinea Pigs can have inner leaves of husk

Me eating corn husk and lettuce

Wheek it,

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