Thursday, July 25, 2013

What about the tops?

Carrots are one of those foods that you but with the greens because normally they are fresher. But when you get them with the green tops, you often have no clue what to do with them. Well you can guess the simple answer. The one problem with the leafy greens is too much can irritate our stomaches. But normally we don't eat very many anyway. Here are a few tips:

1.  Divide the greens into a couple meals
2. Make sure no bugs are present in the green
3. Try giving your guinea pig a little bit at first if they sometimes have trouble after eating leafy greens.
4. You can always put a little more in the cage, so don't put in more than they can eat.

Carrots are a delicious food that we can snack on, or we can eat the greens. Just don't give tons of them to us everyday otherwise you will have a smelly, gooey surprise! 

                                     Wheek Out!

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