Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

The piggies decided posing with pumpkins would be a good pastime so that's what they did... For treats.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Trick for Treat!

Guinea peegs have a knack for food and they will do ALMOST anything to get food. For Rocky, this meant walking/jumping through a hoop. We did this by offering food on the other side of a hoop and placing the hoop on the ground, letting her walk through, raising it a little, having her hop through, etc. Eventually Rocky would jump through without doubt. If your guinea pig really doesn't want to do it and they try, don't make them do it, try another time when they aren't worked up. The ring Rocky jumped through is a diving ring like what the cavy slaves use in pools. Hey, if you get food, its not so bad!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


While the piggy slaves were taking pigtures, Honey decided to venture very close to the camera resulting in "PIGGY JAWS". Honey then quickly proceeded to chomp on the camera lens which resulted in the piggy slave taking too many pigtures. But that gave the piggy slaves a good look at Honey's teeth which were in peak condition. Always make sure piggies' teeth are not too long because they could end up not being able to eat or drink properly and eventually, they would grow into the piggy skull. But all of us peegs have nice, short teeth! Here is a pigture of Honey's jaws.

Thank you come again,
Your fave peeg (Rocky)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Corn Season is Finally Here!

Corn Season is finally here! You should know that one of our very favorite foods for you to eat is corn. When you husk the corn, you can give as the inner leaves if they are clean and healthy. That is our favorite part of corn. But if you buy already husked corn, the story is a little bit different.

The parts guinea pigs can eat are:

The Husk:
The Husk, the outer green part you pull off corn, is delicious for us guinea pigs, but only the inner leaves (if they are clean)

The Silk:
The Silk is the little strands that are all over the corn. These can be eaten if they are caught on to something, but they are not our favorite.

The Corn:
The Corn is good if you like corn, but not so good if you don't. Not all guinea pigs think it tastes all that great. But many guide lines apply when supplying corn:

  • You have not eaten the corn right off the cob
  • You have cut the corn off the cob to eat it
  • Other Animals have not touched the corn
  • The corn is clean
  • The husk is not still on the corn
  • The husk has been removed
  • Guinea pigs can not have outer leaves of husk
  • Guinea Pigs can have inner leaves of husk

Me eating corn husk and lettuce

Wheek it,

Sunday, October 20, 2013


When you have the option, you should always opt to adopt, not buy. Even though the guinea pigs in pet stores are really cute and small, they are going to find a home. Those guinea pigs you see at local shelters need a good life and you can give them that by adopting them and adding them to your herd. The guinea pigs in pet stores are there because of high demand, not because they need homes like the ones in pet shelters do. The guinea pigs in pet shelters normally have had a hard life and need good, experienced piggy owners. Local pet shelters often have good prices, but expensive enough that they know the guinea pigs will get good homes.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Floor Time!

Do you spend time with your guinea pig every day? Do the guinea pigs look forward to floor time?

When taking your piggy out of the cage, make sure you provide something for them to look forward to. To help them learn that this is a time to have fun, provide treats and a variety of toys. Some toys that whee piggies like to use are:

  • Plastic Pigloos: easy to clean
  • Cozy/Cuddle Cups: need to be washed if they are peed in, but piggies love them!
  • Fleece Blankets/ Towels: Hiding under or to protect the carpet/ground
  • Litterpan: Reduce the chance your piggies will make a mess
  • Paper: plain, white paper without ink

Have a good Wheekend!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's that time... PIGGY FEAST

Every night when the humans make fancy dinners, they bring us what we can eat! Tonight it was a feast of fennel. Although you can't give piggies too much at once, we do enjoy it. We ate using our veggie holder where we have to work for it so we don't turn plump.

Every night we get different veggies so we don't get bored or have uncomfortable stomachs. We get citrus almost everyday! Some citrus that we get are lemons, oranges, limes, and on special occasions, grapefruit. But the humans always get rid of the seeds and wash the peel really well so we don't eat anything we aren't supposed to!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Cage upgrade

We finally updated the cage and boy is it different! 
We got the biggest cage they had so that our pigs would have plenty of room to popcorn around. 
The new cage will be talked about more in the future!