Monday, November 18, 2013

Got Vitamin C?

One of the most common things for guinea pig owners not to know is how important vitamin C really is. Guinea pigs require quite a lot of it, and there is no limit to how much they have. The first thing that passed into our minds was ORANGES! The problem with oranges is that they have too much sugar for it to be good for them. They can have 1-2 pieces of a mandarin oranges every 4 days. Otherwise, they can easily upset piggies stomach.  Options are everywhere for getting vitamin C for your guinea pigs. One thing out there is Daily C which are tablets that can be fed by crushing over wet greens, mixed with water and fed through a syringe, or apparently some guinea pigs will just eat the pill. Not our piggies! We cannot find a way to give it to our guinea pigs where they will eat it.
We gave them arugula (wetted) and sprinkled this over the top and they won't eat it. But apparently some pigs love the taste, maybe yours will? Another idea of how to give it to them is to put it in their water but there are 2 problems with that:
1. You don't know how much vitamin C each piggy is getting.
2. If a piggy really objects to the taste, they may stop drinking water which can lead to dehydration, or more severely, death.

Please make sure that your piggies are receiving vitamin C, here is a list of food for guinea pigs that are high in vitamin C.

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