Thursday, July 25, 2013

What about the tops?

Carrots are one of those foods that you but with the greens because normally they are fresher. But when you get them with the green tops, you often have no clue what to do with them. Well you can guess the simple answer. The one problem with the leafy greens is too much can irritate our stomaches. But normally we don't eat very many anyway. Here are a few tips:

1.  Divide the greens into a couple meals
2. Make sure no bugs are present in the green
3. Try giving your guinea pig a little bit at first if they sometimes have trouble after eating leafy greens.
4. You can always put a little more in the cage, so don't put in more than they can eat.

Carrots are a delicious food that we can snack on, or we can eat the greens. Just don't give tons of them to us everyday otherwise you will have a smelly, gooey surprise! 

                                     Wheek Out!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Water Bottle vs. Water Bowl

Is a Water bottle better than a water bowl?

Water Bottle:
Keeps water clean
All Guinea Pigs know how to drink from one
Clean of fur, droppings, and hay
Affixed to the side of the cage
Keep replacing because they break
Harder to clean
Drips everywhere

Water Bowl:
Easy to clean
Keep reusing Water Bowl

Collects fur, hay, and droppings
Not clean water
Most Guinea Pigs have to learn how to drink from one
Water Bowl may tip over

In Conclusion, 
the water source that makes the most sense is a 
Water Bottle
because it has clean water and that should always be the first priority.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Can we eat grass?

The answer is yes!

Grass is my favorite food because we rarely get to do it and when we do, no limit applies with the amount of grass that we can have. Just follow these simple guide lines:

  • Make sure no pesticides have been put on the grass recently
  • No dog or any other has peed on the grass
  • Nothing other than grass, clover, and dandelions are within reach of the guinea pigs
  • The guinea pigs are safe from feet that could step on them
  • The guinea pigs have some place to hide
  • Make sure it is no warmer than 78 F.
  • Make sure it is no colder than 65 F.
  • You are ALWAYS watching them in less they have a playpen that is covered (birds could get them)

Grass is food that all of my friends like and yours will too!

Gotta go,

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Family!

I have two members of my family, Estrella and Honey. Both are my best friends and are always there when I get bored. The only problem is when they get bored, they try to play, and as the elder I must keep things in order and... nap. Anyway, here is a little overview of each of them.

Pronounced: (Es-Tray-ya) pronounced like star in spanish
Behavior: Very hyper, and when she tires out, all she does is sleep and is very grumpy.
Age: 2 years old
Special Needs: none
Favorite Food: parsley
Favorite Activity: Guinea Pig Tag! When I climb out of the Humans lap and run away from them and they can't catch me!

Pronounced: (Hun-ney)
Behavior: Still young and very annoying
Age: 1 year old
Special Needs: Honey was born with a respiratory disease that gives her lumps on the front of her throat and they are constantly growing even though she is on medication. Very sadly, my hyper little friend will have to leave the world before too long, but until then she is happy as can be.
Favorite Food: Anything that I can get my mouth on
Favorite Activity: Following Estrella around while she run around playing guinea pig tag.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that me and me herd are very well behaved and you should not tell the humans that I am doing this because I have permission. Thank you!
Honey is on the far left
  Wheek out,

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Welcome all Guinea Pigs Owners from far and wide! Me and my family have been busy preparing for summer. The Humans have been busy researching ways for us to have more fun and get exciting adventures every day. My name is Rocky and I am almost 4 years old. I am happy to say that I am a very good Blogger and you guys are going to love this blog. More updates soon! I will give you a full overview of my family in the next post. Here is a picture of me!
Keep on Wheeking!