Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fleece Flippers: The way of life

When we first got our fancy C&C cage from Guinea Pig cages store, we were just using normal old fleece over towels and let me tell you, it is  SO much simpler to just use fleece flippers.  Sure, they are an investment but it saves time and irritation in the long run. The employees are very friendly and help you with anything you need/any questions you may have. Once you get your first fleece flipper, you can easily make more of everything (flipper cases, U-Haul pads and even coroplast).
The three parts

U-Haul Pads
Close up of U-Haul pads (moving pads) which you can get at your local U-Haul store (look online or call). They are made from recycled denim.  We got ours for $7.99 each for a 68x85" pad.  

When buying fleece, it is normally a good idea to wait until a huge sale if you are buying any quantity of it. When getting fleece, you want to choose a fleece where debris won't get stuck in the fleece and it can be vacuumed/cleaned up easily. Wash/dry about three to five times on hot or until water does not bead on the surface of the fleece (wicking). Once you have washed it and dryer it, you can start your flippers!

Anyway, we have been using flippers for about two months now and it has really reduced how much bedding we use!


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