Monday, November 11, 2013

We love you Estrella

On Friday morning, we walked in with a petsitter to explain the cage setup, etc. We noticed Estrella was panting hard and so we took her into the vet, hoping they could help her. They put her on oxygen but she was too sick. It turns out she had a sudden case of pneumonia, we had noticed she was losing weight, but not that substantially. We miss Estrella and mourn for her. Rocky and Estrella wrote a short poem.

     "She was an average pig,
Feisty, Mischievous, and Energetic.
She spent her life enchanting every pig and human she met. She was average in every way except, she was the star in our lives, she brought comfort and love where ever she stepped. She was the pigture perfect pig. She narrated her life in wheeks and squeaks and purrs. We love you Estrella."
-Rocky and Honey 

"Wearing argyle fur 
Wheeking loudly whe'er she roamed
Curled sweet paws - 'Strella"
- Cavy Slaves

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